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Go Go Gadget Hammer: Flipping Nested Pointers for Arbitrary Data Leakage

Youssef Tobah, Andrew Kwong, Ingab Kang, Daniel Genkin, Kang G. Shin
conference The 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, August 2024. (Acceptance Rate: 18.32%)


Rowhammer is an increasingly threatening vulnerability that grants an attacker the ability to flip bits in memory without directly accessing them. Despite efforts to mitigate Rowhammer via software and defenses built directly into DRAM modules, more recent generations of DRAM are actually more susceptible to malicious bit-flips than their predecessors. This phenomenon has spawned numerous exploits, showing how Rowhammer acts as the basis for various vulnerabilities that target sensitive structures, such as Page Table Entries (PTEs) or opcodes, to grant control over a victim machine.

However, in this paper, we consider Rowhammer as a more general vulnerability, presenting a novel exploit vector for Rowhammer that targets particular code patterns. We show that if victim code is designed to return benign data to an unprivileged user, and uses nested pointer dereferences, Rowhammer can flip these pointers to gain arbitrary read access in the victim’s address space. Furthermore, we identify gadgets present in the Linux kernel, and demonstrate an end-to-end attack that precisely flips a targeted pointer. To do so we developed a number of improved Rowhammer primitives, including kernel memory massaging, Rowhammer synchronization, and testing for kernel flips, which may be of broader interest to the Rowhammer community. Compared to prior works’ leakage rate of .3 bits/s, we show that such gadgets can be used to read out kernel data at a rate of 82.6 bits/s.

By targetting code gadgets, this work expands the scope and attack surface exposed by Rowhammer. It is no longer sufficient for software defenses to selectively pad previously exploited memory structures in flip-safe memory, as any victim code that follows the pattern in question must be protected.

SledgeHammer: Amplifying Rowhammer via Bank-level Parallelism

Ingab Kang, Walter Wang, Jason Kim, Stephan van Schaik, Youssef Tobah, Daniel Genkin Andrew Kwong, and Yuval Yarom
conference The 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, August 2024. (Acceptance Rate: 18.32%)


Rowhammer is a hardware vulnerability in DDR memory by which attackers can perform specific access patterns in their own memory to flip bits in adjacent, uncontrolled rows without accessing them. Since its discovery by Kim et. al. (ISCA 2014), Rowhammer attacks have emerged as an alarming threat to numerous security mechanisms.

In this paper, we show that Rowhammer attacks can in fact be more effective when combined with bank-level parallelism, a technique in which the attacker hammers multiple memory banks simultaneously. This allows us to increase the amount of Rowhammer-induced flips 7-fold and significantly speed up prior Rowhammer attacks relying on native code execution.

Instead of making incremental improvements to existing dynamic hardware verification approaches, we leverage the observation that existing software fuzzers already provide such a solution, and hence adapt them for hardware verification. Specifically, we translate RTL hardware to a software model and fuzz that model directly. The central challenge we address is how to mitigate the differences between the hardware and software execution models. This includes: 1) how to represent test cases, 2) what is the hardware equivalent of a crash, 3) what is an appropriate coverage metric, and 4) how to create a general-purpose fuzzing harness for hardware.

SpecHammer: Combining Spectre and Rowhammer for New Speculative Attacks

Youssef Tobah, Andrew Kwong, Ingab Kang, Daniel Genkin, Kang G. Shin
conference The 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland), San Francisco, CA, May 2022. (Acceptance Rate: 14.52%)


The recent Spectre attacks have revealed how the performance gains from branch prediction come at the cost of weakened security. Spectre Variant 1 (v1) shows how an attacker-controlled variable passed to speculatively executed lines of code can leak secret information to an attacker. Numerous defenses have since been proposed to prevent Spectre attacks, each attempting to block all or some of the Spectre variants. In particular, defenses using taint-tracking are claimed to be the only way to protect against all forms of Spectre v1. However, we show that the defenses proposed thus far can be bypassed by combining Spectre with the well-known Rowhammer vulnerability. By using Rowhammer to modify victim values, we relax the requirement that the attacker needs to share a variable with the victim. Thus, defenses that rely on this requirement, such as taint-tracking, are no longer effective. Furthermore, without this crucial requirement, the number of gadgets that can potentially be used to launch a Spectre attack increases dramatically; those present in Linux kernel version 5.6 increases from about 100 to about 20,000 via Rowhammer bit-flips. Attackers can use these gadgets to steal sensitive information such as stack cookies or canaries, or use new triple gadgets to read any address in memory. We demonstrate two versions of the combined attack on example victims in both user and kernel spaces, showing the attack’s ability to leak sensitive data.

Horizontal side-channel vulnerabilities of post-quantum key exchange protocols

Aydin Aysu, Youssef Tobah, Mohit Tiwari, Andreas Gerstlauer, Michael Orshansky
conference 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oreinted Security and Trust (HOST), Washignton D.C., USA, April 2018. (Acceptance Rate: 20.2%)


Key exchange protocols establish a secret key to confidentially communicate digital information over public channels. Lattice-based key exchange protocols are a promising alternative for next-generation applications due to their quantum-cryptanalysis resistance and implementation efficiency. While these constructions rely on the theory of quantum-resistant lattice problems, their practical implementations have shown vulnerability against sidechannel attacks in the context of public-key encryption or digital signatures. Applying such attacks on key exchange protocols is, however, much more challenging because the secret key changes after each execution of the protocol, limiting the side-channel adversary to a single measurement.

In this paper, we demonstrate the first successful power sidechannel attack on lattice-based key exchange protocols. The attack targets the hardware implementation of matrix and polynomial multiplication used in these protocols. The crux of our idea is to apply a horizontal attack that makes hypothesis on several intermediate values within a single execution all relating to the same secret and to combine their correlations for accurately estimating the secret key. We illustrate that the design of key exchange protocols combined with the nature of lattice arithmetic enables our attack. Since a straightforward attack suffers from false positives, we demonstrate a novel procedure to recover the key by following the sequence of intermediate updates during multiplication.

We analyzed two key exchange protocols, NewHope (USENIX’16) and Frodo (CCS’16), and show that their implementations can be vulnerable to our attack. We test the effectiveness of the proposed attack using concrete parameters of these protocols on a physical platform with real measurements. On a SAKURA-G FPGA Board, we show that the proposed attack can estimate the entire secret key from a single power measurement with over 99% success rate.

Broadband terahertz-light emission by current-injection distributed-feedback dual-gate graphene-channel field-effect transistor

Deepika Yadav, Youssef Tobah, Junki Mitsushio, Gen Tamamushi, Takayuki Watanabe, Alexander A Dubinov, Maxim Ryzhii, Victor Ryzhii, Taiichi Otsuji
conference 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): Applications and Technology, San Jose., CA, May 2017.


We report on amplified spontaneous broadband terahertz emission in 1–7.6 THz range at 100 K via current injection in a distributed-feedback (DFB) dual-gate graphene-channel transistor. The device exhibited a nonlinear threshold-like behavior with respect to the current-injection level. A precise DFB cavity design is expected to transcend the observed spontaneous broadband emission to single-mode THz lasing.


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