
  • Ph.D. 2024

    Computer Science & Engineering

    University of Michigan

  • M.S.E. 2020

    Computer Science & Engineering

    University of Michigan

  • B.S. 2018

    Electrical Engineering

    University of Texas at Austin


  • 2022
    Top Pick in Hardware and Embedded Security

    Project: Horizontal Side-Channel Vulnerabilities of Post-Wuantum Key Exchange Protocols

  • 2016
    Smalley-Curl Institute Research Colloquium Best Poster

    Project: THz Emission and Detection in Graphene-Based Devices

  • 2016
    Nakatani RIES Fellowship


  • Aug. 2024

    I presented our Gadget Hammer paper on a novel rowhammer exploit at USENIX'24.

  • Oct. 2023

    Our Gadget Hammer paper was accepted to appear at USENIX '24.

  • Nov. 2022

    Our SpecHammer paper was accepted to appear at Oakland '22.

  • Jun. 2022

    I started an internship at Lincoln Lab.

  • May 2022

    I presented our SpecHammer paper on combining Spectre and Rowhammer attacks at S&P'22.

Site Source Code

This website is based on Timothy Trippel's open source repository. If you like this site and are looking for a simple static site generator written in Python, checkout the source code hosted on GitHub. It's contains a BSD 3-clause license and is 100% free to copy/use/modify!